What are Groups?

Groups are a way to connect people with a common interest. They are also an easy way to share content and conversation, either privately or with the world. Group members can:

Create a New Group

You can create your own group as a registered user. Just fill in a simple form choosing a group name, a title, and a brief description, so that others will know what your group is about. Once created, your group title and description will be available for all to see in the list of all groups. Each group also has its own page, which contains a link that other users can click on to request membership.

Managing Group Members

Whenever another user requests membership, you will receive an email asking you to approve their request. To do this, log in and visit the group page, click members on the left side and click on "Pending Requests" just above the first member of the list. Click on the green check to accept the new user into the group. You can use the members page to promote ordinary users to also act as managers, so they can help you approve or deny requests. You can also demote or remove users from your group by clicking on the appropriate icon next to the users name.

Once removed from a group, a user will no longer have access to hidden group resources. Of course, they can always rejoin the group at any point by requesting membership and going through the usual approval process.

Member Roles are similar to the way tags work, member roles are labels or a way to categorize people within a group. There’s no difference in permissions between member roles.

Note: All groups must have at least one manager. If you are the last manager of a group, you will NOT be able to demote or remove yourself from the group.

Debug Console

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